Hope you enjoy scrolling through my posts; maybe you will be inspired. For media studies class.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Manipulated Images

I made this picture monochrome and added an overplayed blackness on another layer around
the words 'Hi There' so that it stood out more. I thought the black and white made the writing clearer so you wouldn't get distracted by the colours.

In the start I thought this photo had an industrial mysterious feel to it so I adjusted
contrast, colour and shadows/highlights and then I inverted it to made this
almost sci-fi feel to it. It looks like something you would find in a movie I think.

I adjusted the contest and colours again in this before I used the artistic effect
of 'Fresco' to make it look even more cartoony and add texture to it.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Classroom photos

Extreme Close up

I wanted to focus this photo in on the casual conversing graffiti on the science desktops because it was simple yet quite amusing.

Close up

I liked this photo and decided to take it at this angle to show the buttons and so you could read the 'Low Voltage' at the top, it shows that our classroom used to be used for science and that is has many switches and devices inside it. I think it looks interesting and mysterious and also industrial.

Medium Close up

Another shot showing the previous subject taught in this room; science. In this typical warning sign.

Ideas for Initial Photos

We are about to take some photographs, though unfortunately we have been limited to our classroom. We are going to take some different shot's using this location restriction.

For an extreme close up I might take some of of the piping or wiring in the room, maybe some of the engraved writings in the old science work tops,  for a close up I could do one of the many switches or electrical boxed in the room, maybe some of the science weights on the floor or something interesting.

I will try a variation of shot lengths and look around the classroom to find inspiration, but above are some ideas. Something that perhaps shows a purpose of the classroom, the people who have been in it, what makes it work as a classroom.

Friday, 18 November 2011

My Progress

So far on my blog; I have made an introduction, posted my analysis work, posted my notes on different camera angles and included my notes on The history of Photography video, also embedding the video itself in case I need future reference to it.

I have enjoyed and been up-to-date will all work so far in this Photography course in media, and have enjoyed it a lot. I feel we have worked very well on my analysis with my group, including Francesca and Megan and think I have also done well in my recordings of The history of Photography video.

We have already understood as a group a lot about the purpose and needs of a good photograph and I will hope to continue into this next time.

Over and out.

Happy Birthday Daguerre

Thought I would just make this to say Happy Birthday to Louis today.
Born 18-November-1787
Died 63 years of age, 10-July-1851

Notes on History of Photography

This post is concerning the previous post below.

To me, this is a great informative video showing the development (not meant as a pun, but could be taken as one) of the subject photography and how much a revelation it was to the public; a frozen section in time, frozen forever for them to take out and remember, to look into the past.

As announced in the video, we've had photography round for over 170 years, this ingenious invention provoke thought, love and outrage from us over the years, playing to journalists and specific members of society, uniting and dividing us for that many years.

Invented in 1839, Photography has been able to show us secret strangers behind appearances, that things are not always as they seem. You can force the viewers eye onto a certain section, make them witness things and out off other things.

Photography was used to capture life in London, everyone was in disbelieve when it was first invented and shown to the public, they just though photographs were brilliant paintings; unable to comprehend this ability to, in a manner of speaking, literally freeze a moment in time, capturing everything in the view of the finder and trapping it in place.

Before a proper camera developed, people were only able to experience momentary photographs, this was in 1802. It work from chemicals effected by light, but eventually the image faded into black and scientists had to adjust the chemicals.

They experimented with paper and shoe box sized cameras, called 'mousetraps'. It was Talbert who was able to save images onto paper, they were in negative, but the concept was still a major break-through and deemed successful; he had managed to save a photo and make it last on paper.

It was a french rival, Louis Daguerre who discovered his own solution to the shadows, instead of paper though he instead used mirrored metal plates (silver grains) but if you didn't use a blow torch the image would be easily wiped off, so there were still issues.


Of course, already, these simplistic cameras are majorly advanced in comparison to the first ever camera, a pin-hole camera which showed you an upside down image of the world.

The people of London were amazed at how quickly, cheaply and accurately they were able to photograph the world, but they were still deciding whose process was better, Talberts or his french rivals. This was a pivoting point for photography, the world was changing, there was the industrial revolution coinciding with the growth of photography and cameras, which changed how people understood the world, illuminating the story behind the images, and provoking curiosity into what they would usually bypass in everyday routine.

The world was becoming modern.

Factories, lots of paper and chemicals; it was a busy time in our past. And a time we were able to capture and record forever; through photography.

The history of Photography

Different photo angles

Shot Angle

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Mr Page

Congratulations on getting your Blog to work!
I'm glad to hear you are already an expert in Blogging (!) and you're looking far forward into the future and eschewing the need for all that old fashioned paper and pen stuff. Your analysis is excellent by the way. Well done.
Mr Page

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The purpose of this blog.

The purpose of this blog is to post my photography work online in this, 'virtual gallery'. It will save the unreliability of old fashioned paper folders, though, as a personal opinion I do like the look of a well packed folder full of papers and ideas. But this if a more effective way to store our work and it looks crisp and smart.

This will be exactly that; a virtual place to show my ideas and work and of course; photos for OCR Media GCSE.

So; to conclude; this is a blog to contain and show in a neat format my thought processes through out this course in the minimalistic form of a blog.

My name is Rebecca; as you might have deduced from the URL of this blog; so welcome to my blog.


Annotated Pictures

What Makes a Good Photo?

Friday, 4 November 2011

Adjusting to blogger

Already hugely familiar with the way blogs work; I am currently in the process of making my blog visually appealing.

As not clarified specifically before; this is a blog for my media studies topic of Photography and hopefully it will develope greatly over the following weeks.

An Inspiring Piece

An inspiring piece I thought I would share with you.


This is my first post on my recently created Photography blog, I hope to share my photos here and inspire you.

Firstly; my favourite colour is yellow.

I will leave you to contemplate that for now, over and out.