Hope you enjoy scrolling through my posts; maybe you will be inspired. For media studies class.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Advanced Photoshop - CONCEPT

For this photo I edited it in Photoshop; firstly I duplicated the layer and then I hid the copy of the background layer so I could see the layer underneath and then I went on Image>Adjustments>Black and White and I clicked 'Auto'.

Then I went back onto the copied layer (making is visible again) and I went on Select>Colour range and with the selection tool I selected the green pigmentation on my photo and then to make it more specific I moved the 'fuzziness' up until I was satisfied.

After that I selected the magic wand tool and 'refine edges' and I adjusted the features until I was happy it would work well with the black and white when I put them both together.

I copied and pasted the selected colour and it automatically put it on a new layer for me and then I deleted the colour layer so you could see the black and white.

I thought the colour green didn't stand out enough so I simply went onto image>adjustments>exposure and changed the setting until I was happy with the amount of shadows (offset) and brightness. I was happy with my photo so I saved it.

I think that the photo is more dramatic with the black and white because the original photo seems pretty run-down and not the standard of living we are used to in Britain; it is a different country after all. I thought by making the green the only colour visible; on the plants and vegetation, I realised it showed people what was the same throughout different countries; that even if you go to different countries where the buildings and cultures are different, there is always greenery. Someway plants manage to survive; if only through weeds.

I also thought it showed the human necessity for food, these people are growing food in their garden, we are all linked by our need for food.

I think people can look at this photo and interpret it in different ways, but I think that it will make them think of nature and humanity.

1 comment:

  1. I like this photo because it is different and makes you think about what the photograph is about. I also like that the green is the only colour showing because I think that makes it more interesting and also unique. If you were to improve this photo you could make the main subject of the photo clearer as I am a bit unsure as to what the main subject is.


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